Overview - Advancement & Promotion
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Advancement & Promotion (A&P)
Visit the MyNavy HR Messages library to view current information pertaining to Active Duty/TAR/FTS Navy-wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) status and Officer Promotion opportunities.

Useful Resources
Additional Resources on MyNavy HR
- Active Duty Enlisted Boards (E7-E9)
- Active Duty Officer Promotion Boards
- Active & Reserve Enlisted Career Admin (E4-E5)
- Active & Reserve Officer Career Progression
- Enlisted Leader Development
- General Board Information
- Reserve Enlisted Selection Boards (E7-E9)
- Reserve Officer Community Briefs
- Reserve Officer Selection Boards
Advancement Manual
Learn policy guidance in the Advancement Manual for Enlisted Personnel of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Navy Reserve (BUPERSINST 1430 series).
Announcements & Results
In the meantime, you may visit the following sites to identify career progression information, as well as news regarding advancement and promotion opportunities and results:
Featured Mobile Apps
FMS Calculator
Use the FMS Calculator to understand "what if” scenarios for upcoming Final Multiple Score (FMS) calculations and advancement opportunities. Includes Reporting Senior Cumulative Average (RSCA) Performance Mark Average (PMA) Calculator for E6 and E7 candidates.
Navy Advancement Center
Learn how the Navy Advancement Center (NAC) supports advancement of enlisted personnel to pay grades E5 through E9.
Use Navy Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL) to learn what civilian credentials pertain to your military training and experience, and view resources available to help attain those credentials.
A&P Pages on MNP
Join the Navy
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New to the Navy
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View the New to the Navy Career & Life Event (CLE) Overview page for tools and information helping Sailors in their first tour of duty.
Advancement & Promotion
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Assignment, Leave, Travel
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Career Planning
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Deployment & Mobilization
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Pay & Benefits
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Retirement & Separation
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Sailor & Family Support
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Training, Education, Qualifications
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