MyRecord Overview - MyRecord
A .mil website belongs to an official U.S. Department of Defense organization.
A lock ( lock icon ) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .mil website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.
- Use the "SUBMIT INQUIRY" button on each MyRecord page to request data correction assistance from MNCC.
- Use the "Personnel Records Review" tool to inventory your OMPF-My Record and NSIPS ESR.

Useful Resources
Learn policy guidance for the Correction of Naval Records (BCNR). References include the BCNR website link and more.
Military Personnel Records
View information on Military Personnel Records and links to access specific record types.
MNCC Case Status
View status for cases submitted to MNCC including ePARs, MyRecord requests, and General Inquiry requests. Cases can be filtered or searched to narrow the results provided.
Navy Awards
Visit the MyNavy HR website for information and access to the Navy Department of Awards Web Service (NDAWS).
Personnel Records Review
Conduct an inventory and verification of Navy personnel record (OMPF and ESR) using an interactive job aid on MyNavy Portal (MNP).
Learn about the PERSTEMPO system (Personnel Tempo), current policies, events, and the Data Team Customer Service point of contact.
Records Management
Learn how to manage your military personnel records. Find extensive resources, references and support information.
Selection Board Review
Learn which documents to submit for Selection Board Review.
Personnel Records Quick Links
Additional links to systems and sites.
Personnel Records FAQs and Terms
Frequently Asked Questions, Acronyms and Glossary.