Overview - Career Planning
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Career Planning (CP)

Useful Resources
Learn how Career Waypoints (C-WAY) supports Reenlistment, Rating Conversion, and Transition between Active and Reserve.
Commissioning Programs
Learn about the opportunities, policy guidance, and application processes for becoming a Commissioned Officer.
Learn about the Detailing Marketplace Assignment Policy (DMAP) and rewards available to Sailors in sea-intensive ratings who stay Navy and stay on sea duty.
Featured Mobile Apps
Featured Pages on MyNavy HR
GI Bill - Factsheets & Handouts
Learn about VA education and training programs for Active Duty and Selected Reserves (SELRES).
Learn how Learning and Development Roadmap (LaDR) / Occupational and Readiness Standards (OaRS) help you along your Navy career path.
Learn about the Professional Apprenticeship Career Tract (PACT) program as well as the designation path process.
Reserve Enlisted Community Manager
The Selected Reserves (SELRES) Enlisted Community Manager performs a broad range of community management functions.
For general questions, Sailors should contact their CCC or MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) at (833) 330-6622 or askmncc.fct@navy.mil.
For specific rate/rating questions and concerns regarding SELRES service, Sailors should contact the respective Reserve community manager.
For questions related to Reserve benefits and affiliation, Sailors should contact the Navy Recruiting Reserve Command (NRRC) Outreach Team at nrrc_rpac@navy.mil.
For SELRES transition assistance, Sailors should contact the PERS-9 Reserve Processing and Affiliation Center (RPAC) at cto.enlisted@navy.mil.
Reserve Officer Community Manager
The Reserve Officer Community Manager is responsible for the community management of 26 Selected Reserve (SELRES) communities and eight Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) communities. Community Managers work in support of CNO, DCNO N1, and Navy Enterprises to provide accession plans, promotion plans, retention plans, lateral transfer plans, force shaping plans, incentive plans, force modeling and forecasting, community health assessments, strategic-level options, and other analyses that are timely, data-driven, and accurate.
Learn about the Senior Enlisted Marketplace (SEM) and changes to how enlisted Sailors will be advanced using a billet-based advancement system.
Learn about Sea Shore Flow (SSF), the personnel policy that assigns sea and shore duty tour lengths for each enlisted rating.
CP Pages on MNP
Join the Navy
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New to the Navy
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View the New to the Navy Career & Life Event (CLE) Overview page for tools and information helping Sailors in their first tour of duty.
Advancement & Promotion
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Assignment, Leave, Travel
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Career Planning
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Deployment & Mobilization
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Pay & Benefits
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Retirement & Separation
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Sailor & Family Support
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Training, Education, Qualifications
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